By Aspen Dental
What Kind of Tooth Brush Is Right For You?
What Kind of Tooth Brush Is Right For You?
If you’ve ever gone to the store to buy a new toothbrush, you were probably intimidated by just how many different kinds of toothbrushes there are. How do you know which is the best kind? Soft bristles or hard bristles? Small head or large head? Electric or regular? The options are endless. Don’t worry, Aspen Dental is here to help, so next time you can walk into the toothbrush aisle with confidence.
First, you should choose a brush with soft bristles, because they are the best at cleaning plaque and food debris. Additionally, avoid hard bristled brushes; they can potentially damage enamel because they are too harsh on teeth.
A toothbrush with a small head is best because it can access all parts of the mouth, and most importantly, the back teeth.
Choose whatever feels most comfortable to you for the shape of the bristles, the type of handle, and the shape of the head on your toothbrush. If it’s comfortable to hold and can reach all your teeth, it’s a good toothbrush.
Consider trying a powered toothbrush, as they can clean your teeth more thoroughly, especially if you have limited use of your hands or it’s otherwise physically difficult to brush.
Remember to replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months or sooner if the bristles are worn out. Frayed bristles are not very effective at cleaning teeth. If you get sick, you should buy a new toothbrush after you recover, because the germs left in the bristles can make you get sick again.
Need more advice on which toothbrush to buy? Contact us at Aspen Dental, we would be happy to help!