Foods that can whiten your teeth

By Aspen Dental
Foods that can whiten your teeth

Foods that can whiten your teeth

Eighty percent of adults in the US want whiter teeth and for good reason, too. Studies show that individuals with an attractive smile have more success romantically, socially, and in their careers. There are more dental practices offering whitening procedures than ever before, and over-the-counter whitening strips can be found at any grocery store, but first, consider trying these natural home remedies for whiter teeth:

  1. Strawberries

Strawberries are rich in malic acid, which is a natural whitener. You can eat them by themselves, in a salad, cereal or even mash one up and brush your teeth with it.

  1. Broccoli

This vegetable acts as a natural toothbrush, gently cleaning the teeth when eaten raw. It also contains iron and protects enamel from being stained.

  1. Carrots

Chewing on raw carrots increases saliva production, which cleans and protects teeth from stains. Vitamin A in carrots also helps strengthen tooth enamel.

  1. Celery

Similar to carrots, celery cleans your teeth as its high water content washes away food particles, and its fibrous texture is like a natural tooth brush.

  1. Oil

Sesame oil or virgin coconut oil can be used for oil pulling, when oil is swished around inside the mouth and then spat back out. Gums and teeth absorb nutrients from the oil as it is gargled, and it keeps gums healthy and prevents cavities.

  1. Baking soda

Instead of toothpaste, try brushing with baking soda occasionally. Baking soda contains a whitening chemical that removes surface stains and plaque.

  1. Oranges

Orange peels are non-acidic and contain vitamin C, so before you throw it away, give it a good rinse and try rubbing the inner white part on the surface of your teeth.